FUBAR Grunge Illustrator Actions
FUBAR Grunge Illustrator Actions
Ready to F*#% up some vectors? You can distress and utterly demolish your vector designs with the FUBAR Grunge Actions for Illustrator. Press play, sit back and let these actions do all the hard work of f'ing up your next vector masterpiece.
You'll get a ton of grungy Illustrator actions to add subtle grit and grain to your vector art or just completely F*#% it up by running multiple actions on the same object.
FUBAR includes:
33 Illustrator Actions to handle all of your repetitive grunge processes, which includes 5 specialized vector-effect actions unique to FUBAR!
A detailed instruction guide on how to install the actions and graphic styles needed to really F up those vectors, as well as a user guide to walk you through how to use the actions in your work.
Files included:
FUBAR Illustrator Actions file
FUBAR Graphic Styles file
FUBAR Illustrator Template file
System Requirements
Software: Adobe Illustrator CC
Hardware: 2.4ghz processor or higher
Memory: 16gb RAM or higher
File Size: 232 MB
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